Carrier Screening
What is Carrier Screening?
Carrier screening is done to identify individuals who are carriers of a mutant gene that, when present in two copies, can cause a genetic condition. This information is very useful in understanding the risk of passing on genetic conditions to next generation.
Benefits of Carrier Screening
Carrier screening is helpful for prospective parents. It can inform them on whether it is okay for them to give birth and potentially preventing the birth of children with severe genetic condition.
Who Should Consider Carrier Screening?
Individuals with a family history of genetic conditions, those from ethnic group with high numbers of particular conditions and finally couples planning a pregnancy should consider carrier screening.
Example of Genetic conditions that can be Identified:
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Tay-Sachs Disease
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Thalassemia
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Gaucher Disease
- Fragile X Syndrome
- Canavan Disease
- Bloom Syndrome
- Thalassemia